Catching up
3 month look at our journey with Kendall.
December 2004
Wow, how time flies! We can’t believe it’s been three months! Kendall is doing great. The pediatrician says she is a gorgeous, healthy baby. She is growing so fast! We are so proud of her; we just love her to pieces! I can’t imagine what we would do without her.
She loves to talk, the louder she is, the better she likes it! We have so much fun talking to her, watching her different expressions while she’s telling you what’s on her mind.
I read to her every night after her bath. Her favorite book is “Guess How Much I Love You”. She just laughs and kicks. She is beginning to reach for the pages to inspect the pictures as we read!
We went to our follow up visit to the cardiologist and the heart murmur is gone! She does have what they call an “innocent” heart murmur, which is harmless. They explained it as being comparable to being able to hear the water move through the pipes in the walls of the house. Hearing the water move through doesn’t mean that something is wrong, sometimes it’s just a little louder than other times. She goes back in two years just as a precaution to keep an eye on her. After that, the cardiologist will release her!
She is learning to make new sounds every day. She has also learned to do the “raspberries”. She really likes that one! I think her grandma taught her that!
I thought you might like to see how she has been growing.
Birth 8 lbs. 6 oz 20 inches long
1 month 11 lbs. 4 oz 23 inches
2 months 13 lbs. 5 oz 25 inches
3 months 15 lbs. 1 oz 27 inches
She’s beginning to outgrow all of her 0-3 month clothes! It’s a good thing Christmas is coming!
Merry Christmas!
March 2005
It is really just unbelievable how fast time is passing us by! I’m afraid I’m going to look up one day and Kendall will be graduating from high school! She seems to be growing and changing every day!
In January she went from being in the 95% in height and weight up to the 97% in height and weight. Her last appt. was this month for her 6 month check up and she has changed to 97% in height but went down to 90% in weight. The doctor said she is perfect, just what every woman wants to be, taller than she is heavy! She is up to 18 lbs. 12 ½ oz. and 27 ½ inches long now.
She still loves to do the raspberries! We just can’t convince her this is not a good thing! I try to explain this to her, sitting there with peas in my hair, that this just isn’t good, but she just laughs. She finds it very funny!
She can sit up pretty well by herself now and she finally got the hang of rolling from her belly back over onto her back. She is unstoppable now! She rolls wherever she want to go! She even wiggles around to adjust to she will go the direction she want to go! She’s so funny, we are just having a ball with her! Everyday is something new. I think she is close to crawling, she has gotten up on all fours a few times but just wasn’t sure what to do next!
We did get some good news/bad news at her last doctor visit. She is on her fourth ear infection so the pediatrician wants the ENT doctor to see her to look into putting tubes in her ears. This is scary stuff! She’s so little, but I have talked to other mothers and I think it is actually more traumatic for the parents than the babies. The result is less pain for the baby in the long run and it will prevent any delays in speech and learning because the baby can’t hear well. So, it is a good thing, if that is what she needs, we will find out for sure next week.
She now takes her baths in the “big girl” tub, she has outgrown the baby tub. We have an inflatable smaller tub that sits down into the regular tub that’s just her size and she loves it! She plays and splashes. She would stay in there all night if you let her! We still read every night before bedtime. She loves her books!
Happy Easter!
June 2005
Wow! 9 months!!! I really just can’t believe it! I swear it still seems like yesterday when we got the call saying she was coming
Kendall is doing great! She is just growing like crazy! We went for her 9 month check up yesterday. She is up to 23 lbs. 12 oz. and is 30 ½ inches tall now! She has moved up to the 98-99% for height and 95 % for weight! She can start having real food now! She will love that!
She is crawling and pulling up on EVERTHING! She is so fast! She will be walking in no time. She will even let go sometimes when she’s standing! She really keeps me busy! We are having so much fun with her! She waves goodbye and hello appropriately now and will sometimes say bye-bye. She babbles Da-Da and will say Daddy but still only says Mama when she’s upset and wants me or wants me to stop putting lotion on her face!
She brushed her hair this morning! Normally she just chews on the hair brush but this morning she put the hair brush up to her hair and moved it in a brushing motion! At first I wasn’t sure she knew what she was doing, but she did it several times!
She has eight teeth in now! She has the four front teeth on the top and bottom. They aren’t all the way in yet but she’s so cute when she smiles! She just seems to be growing up so fast! Too fast!
She takes her bath in just the regular tub now. I just got her a non skid mat so she doesn’t slide around. She loves to put her face in the water. She will open her mouth and stick her face in, sit up sputtering and go straight back into the water again. She just laughs when I tell her she’s silly! She will stay in there all night if you’d let her!
She went swimming for the first time in a little baby pool at my mother’s house. She absolutely LOVED it! She just splashed and splashed, and the more she splashed the more she laughed! Between Kendall and my 18 month old nephew, Alex, splashing, I think we were all just as wet those two were in the pool! They have a good time together. She gets so excited when she sees Alex!
I took her down to the new park on the riverfront with my Dad’s side of the family. Kendall and my 7 month old niece, Delaney, had a ball! We saw boats and ducks go by but they both gave the boats a cursory glance and went back to looking at each other and would just grin and squeal! They will be best friends as they grow up together!
Have a great summer!
September 2005
One year! Can you believe it? It just doesn’t seem possible! Kendall is doing great! She’s been walking since mid July so she’s an old pro now! She even tries to run! It’s so cute! When I pick her up from school as soon as she sees me she throws her arms in the air and runs to me as fast as she can go! It just melts my heart right there!
She went for her 1 year checkup, the doctor said she’s perfect! She’s up to 26 lbs. 12 oz and 31 inches long. She’s still in the 97% for height and 100% for weight. She can eat just about anything now. She loves carrots, lima beans, green beans and bananas. I think she would eat bananas for every meal if I would give them to her! She LOVES bananas!
She is starting to do and say more and more now. She waves bye bye and will blow kisses too! She will say nana for banana, she will say dog, bye bye, Daddy, Momma and Mommy! She finally is saying Momma! She usually won’t repeat it though, little stinker! I swear she does it on purpose! She will just randomly say it or call for me and when I try to get her to repeat it, she just laughs! Laughs! She is developing such a personality! Everyday is something new, we are just enjoying every minute. I just love to hear her laugh!
She really had a great first birthday! We had the families and a few friends over for a party. There were kids her age there. She had soooo much fun! She was running around the house in her party dress having a ball watching everyone play and checking out all of her new toys. She had sooo many presents, it looked like Christmas! She didn’t know which one to play with first! We made her a little cake just for her to stick her fingers into. She didn’t really think much of the cake, she just stuck her fingers in the icing and licked them a little. She really wasn’t into making a mess and didn’t like the cake, white or chocolate. She’s not much on sweets, she’d rather have a lima bean!
We are trying to make the transition from bottles to sippy cup now. She does really well with the sippy cup and I don’t think she will really care too much. The only problem is the mess she makes with the sippy cup! She gets herself so wet. She will do really well and take 2 or 3 drinks without spilling a drop and then it’s like once she’s got what she wants, then she will take a drink and let it all roll out of her mouth! And keep doing it, I think she’s kind of playing and experimenting with it. We’ll see how it goes at school! I sent several changes of clothes!
She has gotten a jaw tooth in, it finally broke through! She was working on getting 8 teeth at the same time! Poor baby! Her gums were soooo swollen, she was hardly eating. Now that that one jaw tooth is through she is feeling much better. She’s got another jaw tooth and 6 other teeth coming, but they seem to have stopped just under the skin for now, just little white points poking up under gum. They will all be in before long! She’ll have a whole mouth full then. That will be 16 teeth! She has 9 in and 1 with just the point through now. She’s growing up so fast!
Sept 27, 2005
Kendall had surgery this morning. She had her second set of tubes put in. They were going to just replace the one tube that fell out but the other was questionable and so the doctor replaced the right side too. She had a harder time this time. She cried for 3 hours afterwards. My poor baby! She made me cry too I felt so bad for her. She asked for a banana today! This is the first time she asked for food! After she took a nap and was feeling better I asked her if she was hungry. She started saying nana, nana, nana. I asked her if she was hungry and wanted a banana and she headed toward the kitchen counter where we keep the bananas! Poor baby was hungry. She couldn’t have anything before surgery and wasn’t interested when we came home, she was still crying so hard. Poor baby, I hope these are the last set of tubes she needs! She’s still on the asthma treatments twice a day, we just can’t seem to get her off of them. She gets so congested and wheezing without them. We are going to wait until everything clears up from her ears and go back to check on how she’s doing.
Oct 31, 2005 Halloween! Kendall was a VERY cute witch! She had a purple outfit with different colors of tuelle on the skirt and a pointy polka dot witch hat and ruby red slippers. She was adorable! She liked making clomping noises with her ruby red slippers! Kendall can now make the sign (in sign language) for drink and uses it correctly! She’s so smart.
November 2005
Growing and doing more everyday, still having problems with biting at school. Pediatrician and daycare say all is normal, it’s a phase most toddlers go through.
Dec 1, 2005
Kendall has been spitting up a lot for the past few weeks, so she went to the doctor today, she’s back on Prevacid. He hopes with the Prevacid she may be able to stop the breathing treatments, that may be the cause of her respiratory problems. Also stopped Singulair, only on breathing treatment once a day and Claritin and now Prevacid, hopefully this will help! Poor baby! She is saying more and more everyday, she helps get dressed and undressed like a big girl!
Dec 28, 2005
Kendall had a great Christmas! The grandparents had tons of toys and clothes for her. Grandma & Pepaw got her the Pottery Barn chair and a rocking horse. Grandmother and Grandpa gave her a kitchen. Grandmama gave her a bedtime dolly she loves. Santa brought her a Fischer Price MP3 player, which she loves! She walked around all day playing it. She opened each gift very carefully, tearing small pieces one at a time and handing them to someone. She is talking more and more. She sings the same song all the time now, we just can’t figure out what song it is! You can tell it is the same one though. She is getting good at repeating words for you. Sometimes she reverses the order of words. Tonight she kept saying Paaapooo for Pepaw. She was soooo cute! She’s getting very close to saying Grandma clearly. Yesterday, she said what sounds very much like I love you! She said it over xmas weekend, she hugged me and said it! Then she repeated it when talking to Grandma on the phone Monday. Tues. I handed her her dirty diaper after I changed her and asked her to throw it in the garbage and she did! She’s soooo smart!
January, 2006
Kendall is growing so fast! She is SOOOO smart! She is starting to repeat parts of our conversations! She understands so much, it is just amazing! She knows what putting on your shoes, closing the door, she will go and get her shoes or coat if you ask her to get it and bring it to you. She has been going through a phase with the scratching and biting. She will try to scratch and bite me if she gets frustrated or I won’t let her do something she wants to do. She is developing a very strong will! I just don’t know what to do with her! When she bites I tell her no, don’t bite Mommy, that hurts and put her in time out for 1 minute. She does not like timeout! She cries and looks so pitiful, I think it hurts me more than it does her! And she is still biting and scratching at school, but the past two days, Jan. 18 & 19th, she had very good days, she even got a Sunshine Gram! They said she didn’t bother anyone and no one bothered her, she played and was very good! Hopefully the phase is ending! She is developing such a personality! She is funny and silly, I love to hear her laugh!
February 5, 2006
Kendall and Alex played in the snow this morning. They had so much fun outside with Pepaw and Grandma! It was really cold so they couldn’t stay outside very long but they had fun playing and throwing snow balls while they were out there. Delaney, Aunt Tammy, Grandpa and Grandmother came over for dinner. Delaney and Kendall had so much fun playing. Grandpa would chase them around the circle in the house (the flow between rooms, kitchen, dining room, living room) and Kendall would squeal sooooo loudly in delight! She loves this game!
She is getting to be soooo big! She is such a good girl! She does something to surprise me everyday! She’s growing up soooo fast! Her favorite book now is “Are You My Mother”, she loves this book now, she brings it to me to read first thing in the morning and at least 3 times at night! I think I know this book verbatim now, but she loves it so we read it. I try to add another book too, but we always have to read this one