Sunday, March 26, 2006

Big Girl Bed March 18, 2006

Kendall has been doing great! She slept in her big girl bed this weekend. Sat. she acted like she wanted to get into that bed so I put her in it and she stayed there for a few minutes but was then up and fussing, which I didn’t really think she was ready for bed yet, so I got her out and finished the night time routine and when she went to sleep I put her in that bed. She slept until 4am before she woke up and fussed. I put her in the new bed for her nap and then bedtime Sunday and she woke up a few times in the night but went back to sleep! Maybe we can get rid of the crib next weekend if things continue to go smoothly! She even took her Daddy upstairs when he came home from out of town to see her new bed and told him Pepaw brought it for her. When they went into her room she pointed at the bed and said Pepaw! She just amazes me! She saw her Pepaw bring it in but no one really said anything after that and that was on Thurs. She remembered her Pepaw brought her the bed on Sunday and told her Daddy! She’s so smart! We picked out the material for her new big girl quilt her Grandma is making for her new bed. It is so pretty; it is really going to look great! I can’t wait to get the crib out so we can finish her new big girl room!


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