Saturday, May 26, 2007

Mother's Day May 13, 2007

We had a great Mother's Day this year. Daddy had to work but we had a day full of fun! First we went to the zoo with Grandma, Pepaw, Aunt Leslie, Uncle Darrell, Cousins Alex & Adam. Grandma got us a membership to the zoo! Kendall had a great time. We saw the baby elephant, the monkeys, lions, girafee's (one of Kendall's favorites), and many other animals too. It was a beautiful day so all of the animals were outside. Kendall and Alex played on the new playground at the zoo and we saw them working on the new water park that will open soon! Kendall and Alex also went down the BIG blowup slide. Kendall really LOVED that! She even went up all by herself! She is getting to be such a big girl! We even rode the train and the merry-go-round.

After a full day at the zoo and a nice long nap, we went back to Aunt Leslie and Uncle Darrell's for a cook out. After dinner we went to see MamaJ to give her Happy Mother's Day hugs and kisses, then it was on to see PawPaw and Grammie at Aunt Tammy & Cousin Delaney's new apartment. Kendall and Delaney were having a ball running circles and chasing each other around the apartment, squealing and laughing. Kendall was pooped when we finally got home that night!


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