Thursday, August 02, 2007

Summer, June/July 2007

June and July have been a whirlwind! Kendall still has a very busy social calendar with trips to the zoo, play dates, birthday parties and swimming lessons. The month of June she had swim class every Saturday. She loved swimming but soon grew bored with the classes. She was really too advanced for them. She is not at all afraid of the water! Which is the exact reason we were there in the first place! While the others were getting used to being splashed, Kendall was wanting to spend the class climbing out and jumping into the pool. One of the exercises to teach them to be able to save themselves should they ever fall in. Good for Kendall, but what a workout on Mommy! They also teach them to flip over so they can float and get their face out of the water. Kendall was flipping and rolling over like crazy! She was the class demonstrator for that exercise. By the second class she was ready to swim on her own. I got her a life jacket and she was off! She didn't want me to hold onto her anymore and was swimming around, dunking her face in the water to swim and jumping into the pool with no problems with going under water. She absolutely LOVES the water. The only problem was she also liked to drink it! We've had a very nice summer, busy, but nice. She had a great Fourth of July at Grandma & Pepaw's with cousins Alex and Adam. Below is a picture the three cousins in their Fourth of July gear! Kendall is also doing very well with going potty, she hasn't had any accidents in a very long time and she now usually wakes up with a dry pull up. It is the exception now that she wakes up wet! She is getting to be such a big girl! She is also really getting into the imagination phase. She pretends all of the time now. She's so smart! She's growing up WAY to fast. Ittill seems like yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital and she will be three years old soon! I just can't believe how fast it has all gone by and it is very unnerving to think about how fast the years to come will pass, but I am looking forward to every minute of it!!


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